Sunday, July 13, 2008

windy.great day to be out.84°

east 83rd
east river

carl schurz park
east river

east river

carl schurz park

east river
carl schurz park

east river

carl schurz park

east river


Donck Family said...

makes me want to go swimming

petra michelle; Whose role is it anyway? said...

Hello again. Isn't funny? I don't think I know your name other than pixlhead. Well, it has been awhile and took the virtual tour from 8th and 9th avenues to the east river. Oh, how I love the city and its diversity; its surprises, its culture, it just being alive!
You've captured all of these characteristics so beautifully. I love the art deco diner...was it on 8th? Open 24 hours! But of course! I needed this tour. I haven't been in the city for a few months, and it's wonderful to see all its activities in the summer. Miss them! Have a wonderful day! Petra

pixlhead said...

hey petra
thanks again for the comments

its a treat every day to walk around this city and take in the visual feast

my name is kevin

petra michelle; Whose role is it anyway? said...

Hello Kevin, Thank you for sharing. It's nice being on a first name basis. Yes, please give a friendly wave to everyone for me on your feasts! Petra

Anonymous said...

ohhh, LOOOOVE THIS PARK!I have been enjoying this park for 10 years but I realised after seeing your blog; never thought of taking a picture of it! But now I have!LOVED YOUR PHOTOS! Thanks soooo much for doing this...!I feel like I found a teasure by meeting you and finding about your BLOG! w/ love and peace w/ my plams together!